LPS Information

Relating to Strike action on Monday 2nd October 2023

Auckland Agreed LPS

Bay of Plenty Agreed LPS

Capital, Coast includes MHAIDs Agreed LPS

Counties Manukau Agreed LPS

Hawkes Bay Agreed LPS

Hutt Hospital Agreed LPS

Lakes Agreed LPS

MidCentral Agreed LPS

Nelson Marlborough Agreed LPS

Northland Agreed LPS

Protocol for Renal Transplant Exchange Programme

South Canterbury Agreed LPS

Southern Agreed LPS

Tairawhiti Agreed LPS

Taranaki Agreed LPS

Waikato Agreed LPS

Wairarapa Agreed LPS

Waitaha Canterbury Agreed LPS

Waitemata Agreed LPS

West Coast Agreed LPS

Whanganui Agreed LPS