24.1 A hui-ā-motu must be held in the six months preceding 1 April of a National Executive election year for the purposes of electing two Māori representatives on National Executive for a three year term.
24.2 Māori representatives shall be nominated and elected according to the above rules with the following exceptions:
(a) The Returning Officer shall call for nominations three months before the date of hui-ā-motu. The notice calling for nominations shall be sent to all Māori members of the Association as recorded on the register of members.
(b) Nominations will close at least 21 days before hui-ā-motu and are circulated to all Māori members.
(c) If any election is required, this shall take place at hui-ā-motu. Those eligable to vote shall be any Māori members in attendnace at the hui-ā-motu.