In-depth Reports

Collective leadership harnessing the knowledge and skills of clinicians to transform health care

Collective leadership harnessing the knowledge and skills of clinicians to transform health care

Issue 18
Forecasting New Zealand’s future medical specialist workforce needs

Forecasting New Zealand’s future medical specialist workforce needs

Issue 15
Does more access to primary care & a greater focus on preventing illness & promoting health reduce pressure on hospital services?

Does more access to primary care & a greater focus on preventing illness & promoting health reduce pressure on hospital services?

Issue 12
Survey of clinical leaders on Senior Medical Officer staffing needs: Waitemata DHB

Survey of clinical leaders on Senior Medical Officer staffing needs: Waitemata DHB

Issue 13
Survey of clinical leaders on Senior Medical Officer staffing needs: Canterbury DHB

Survey of clinical leaders on Senior Medical Officer staffing needs: Canterbury DHB

Issue 12
Path to Patient Centred Care

Path to Patient Centred Care

Discussion on the potential benefits of patient centred care and what needs to happen to truly achieve it