LPS Information Relating to Strike action on Monday 2nd October 2023 Auckland Agreed LPSBay of Plenty Agreed LPSCapital, Coast includes MHAIDs Agreed LPSCounties Manukau Agreed LPSHawkes Bay Agreed LPSHutt Hospital Agreed LPSLakes Agreed LPSMidCentral Agreed LPSNelson Marlborough Agreed LPSNorthland Agreed LPSProtocol for Renal Transplant Exchange ProgrammeSouth Canterbury Agreed LPSSouthern Agreed LPSTairawhiti Agreed LPSTaranaki Agreed LPSWaikato Agreed LPSWairarapa Agreed LPSWaitaha Canterbury Agreed LPSWaitemata Agreed LPSWest Coast Agreed LPSWhanganui Agreed LPS