Lets Celebrate Together!
Ko te reo te tatau o te ao Māori
Hēmi Kelly (Māori language champion)
The Māori language is the doorway to the Māori world, and its open to everyone
This week celebrates Māori language and Toi Mata Hauora (ASMS) wants to celebrate too. Toi Mata Hauora (ASMS) will commit to a phrase a day to celebrate this important week.
For those members who want more, please click on these links to access free online Māori language resources:
Nō reira, karawhuia atu! Therefore, give it heaps!
Toi Mata Hauora phrase of the day
Rāhina | Monday
Kaua e whakamā me ngā hiahia | Don’t be embarrassed by the things you desire/want
When learning something new, this is a great phrase to express – Karawhuia! Give it heaps
Rātū | Tuesday
Koia kei a koe! | You’re awesome!
Phrase to say when you complement someone.
Rāapa | Wednesday
Ki te kotahi te kākaho, ka whati; ki te kāpuia, e kore e whati | When we stand alone we are vulnerable, but together we are unbreakable
Some great advice for the second day of industrial action by senior doctors and dentists at Te Whatu Ora
Rāpere | Thursday
Kia kaha e hoa mā! | Lets do this team!
Encouraging your team.
Rāmere | Friday
Ko koe te rangatira o tō waka! | You are the leader of your waka (canoe – journey)!
Helping someone lead your own journey if they lack confidence.
Rāhoroi | Saturday
Awhitia te āmaimai! | Embrace the uncomfortable!
When you are facing a challenging situation, use this phrase.
Rātapu | Sunday
Te ātaahua koki! | How beautiful!
He ātaahua hoki! | That’s beautiful!
Tō ātaahua hoki! | You’re beautiful!
When you see something beautiful: Using the word ātaahua = beautiful.