25.1 Members of the National Executive may be removed from office only by a special secret ballot of members who are eligible to vote for those positions.

25.2 In the case of the National President or Vice President, such a ballot must be conducted as soon as practicable after receipt by the national office of a petition requesting such a ballot, signed by 10% of the members (other than associate members.

25.3 In the case of a regional representative, such a ballot must be conducted as soon as practicable after receipt by the national office of a petition signed by 10% of the members (other than Associate members) from the relevant region.

25.4 In the case of a Māori representative, such a ballot must be conducted as soon as practicable after receipt by the national office of a petition signed by 10% of the Association’s Māori members as recorded in the register of members.

25.5 Those members of the National Executive who are not the subject of such the petition shall appoint an independent Returning Officer (who shall not be a member or employee of the Association) to conduct the special ballot.