Section 6

51. Safe Workplaces

51.1 Applicable processes & guidance, including restorative processes, should be operating to deal with ...

44A. Retirement and Succession Planning

The employer will ensure that services are supported to take tangible steps to have succession planning in place ...

55. Joint Consultation Committees

55.1  The employer and the Association will maintain a joint committee at each district based on equal ...

54. Other Relevant Legislation

The provisions of the following Acts, or any Acts passed in substitution for these Acts, shall apply: Health ...

53. Facilities and Equipment

53.1  Workplace Conditions, Resources and Accommodation The employer recognises the importance of ...

52. Appointments

52.1  The parties agree that the appointment of senior medical and dental officers, including clinicians ...

51A. Medical Examinations

Where the employer has good reason to be concerned that an employee’s performance of their duties and ...

50. Employers’ Policies, Procedures and Personal Files

50.1  The parties’ acknowledge the right of an employer to develop its own internal policies and ...

49. Protective Clothing

49.1  Where the employer requires an employee to wear a particular uniform, this shall be supplied free of charge ...

48. Job Descriptions

48.1  All employees are entitled to mutually agreed job descriptions. The following is provided as the ...

47. Vacancies and Locums

47.1  The employer undertakes to take reasonable and timely steps to fill actual vacancies for senior ...

46. Rights of Private Practice and Conflict of Interest

46.1  The employer recognises the right of employees to engage in private practice but not in such a way ...