
Schedule 3: Long Service Leave (Clause 25)

Deleted. Refer to Schedule 3 of the 2013 – 2016 MECA for long service leave provisions that continue toapply by ...

29. Attendance at Professional Meeting

29.1  An employee who is elected, seconded or otherwise appointed in their professional capacity to a ...

30. Jury Service and Witness Leave

Where an employee is required for jury service or is subpoenaed before the Court as a witness the employer will ...

28. Parental Leave

The following provisions are to be read in conjunction with the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 ...

27. Leave for Illness, Accident and Bereavement

27.1  Employees are entitled to reasonable leave on full pay in the event of their personal illness or ...

26. Onerous Duties Leave

The employer may grant special leave of up to five working days per annum, after taking into account the advice ...

25. Long Service Leave

25.1  Employees are entitled to two weeks long service leave after each 10 years of continuous service ...

23. Annual Leave

23.1  All employees shall be granted six weeks annual leave (pro rata for part time employees) on full ...
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Superheroes don’t take sick leave

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