19. Shift Work

The parties note that the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires the employer to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers.

19.1  In the event that the employer is proposing to introduce shift work there will be prior agreement between the employer, the affected employees and the Association over applicable terms and conditions of employment before such shift work commences.

19.2  For employees in Emergency Departments, Intensive Care Units or High Dependency Units and other departments or services as agreed between the union and the employer, where a shift system is in place or is introduced, all hours worked between 1900 and 0800 hours Monday to Friday shall be paid at time and a half of the ordinary hourly rate and all hours worked on weekends or public holidays shall be paid at time and a half of the ordinary hourly rate.

19.3  Where an employee considers that shift work arrangements give rise to health and safety concerns, they shall raise this with the employer. Current practices will be reviewed within three months of such concerns being raised.