Section 2

Schedule 1: Availability Allowance (Clause 14)

Northland District Health Board Availability on-call is remunerated by allowance calculated by the addition of ...

Schedule 2: Car Parking (Clause 21.6)

Northland District Health Board The employer will not charge employees for car parking facilities on its ...

22. Relocation / Transfers

The employer and prospective employee will negotiate on the level of reimbursement of reasonable transfer and ...

21. Work-related Expenses

21.1  Reimbursement of Expenses The employer shall meet the cost of or reimburse employees for ...

20. Retiring Gratuities

Current grandparented entitlements at former district health boards shall continue to apply to those eligible ...

19. Shift Work

The parties note that the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 requires the employer to ensure, as far as is ...

18. Payment of Salary

Salaries shall be paid fortnightly, by direct credit to a bank account in New Zealand of the employee’s choice.

17. Superannuation

17.1  The employer will make the required employer contribution in respect of any of the superannuation ...

16. Special Contributions Benefits

The employer may agree to provide additional benefits, including a personal allowance, to any employee who has ...

15. Recruitment and Retention Benefits

15.1  The employer may agree to provide additional benefits, including special allowances, to employees ...

14. Availability Allowance

14.1  An employee on an after-hours’ roster shall be paid an availability allowance in accordance with ...

13. Hours of Work and Job Size

13.1  An employee’s hours of work and job size shall be mutually agreed and shall objectively reflect ...