Health System

Workforce: The make or break of the health reform

Workforce: The make or break of the health reform

On the one hand our public hospital workforce is chronically under-staffed and exhausted. On the other hand, the ...
Heroic efforts in understaffed norm: How many full-time equivalents do we need, exactly?

Heroic efforts in understaffed norm: How many full-time equivalents do we need, exactly?

This column by ASMS Executive Director Sarah Dalton previously appeared in NZ Doctor magazine. Like so many of ...
Health Budget 2022 – Will we get better?

Health Budget 2022 – Will we get better?

The Finance Minister Grant Robertson has said this year’s Budget will be all about health. We’ve written a ...
Staffing shortages elephant in the room in patient backlog plan

Staffing shortages elephant in the room in patient backlog plan

The Association of Salaried Medical Specialists Toi Mata Hauora says a plan to clear patient waiting lists must be ...

41. Patient Safety

41.1  Employees who have serious concerns over actual or potential patient safety risks shall make every ...

40. Public Debate and Dialogue

40.1  In recognition of the rights and interests of the public in the health service, the employer ...

39. Professional and Patient Responsibility and Accountability

The parties recognise: (a)  the primacy of the personal responsibility of employees to their patients and ...

02. Time for Quality

The parties note the bipartite relationship between Te whatu Ora, Te Aka Whai Ora, the Council of Trade Union and ...