51. Safe Workplaces

51.1 Applicable processes & guidance, including restorative processes, should be operating to deal with complaints of inappropriate behaviour and relationship issues between staff if appropriate.

51.2 On occasion an employee or group of employees may require professional support through collegial mentoring, confidential counselling, professional supervision, coaching or debriefing after adverse events. The employer will provide or support the provision of suitable services and support by agreement.

51.3 The employer will ensure appropriate access to confidential occupational health services as required.

51.4 The parties are committed to working together to mitigate the risks of workplace violence and aggression. The employer will ensure that preventative risk mitigation strategies, processes and protocols are in place to support staff who may be affected by physical and/or verbal abuse.

51.5 The employer will provide vaccinations or refund the costs of vaccinations where employees are at risk of transmission of disease or illness from other employees, patients or patient whānau/family members/support persons in the course of their New Zealand work