52. Appointments

52.1  The parties agree that the appointment of senior medical and dental officers, including clinicians appointed to leadership roles, whether to permanent or temporary positions and whether as employees or contractors shall be impartial, fair and transparent.

The employer also agrees to adopt appointment processes that will ensure only suitably qualified persons are employed or otherwise engaged to provide or manage clinical services.

Accordingly, before reaching a decision to engage the services of a senior medical or dental officer the employer shall consult other affected employees, (i.e. those in the same service or on the same roster) as to the need for such an engagement; the nature of the role; the level of skills, qualities and experience appropriate for the role or appointment.  Following this consultation, a new or revised job description, if required, shall be prepared.

52.2  The appointment committee shall be convened by the employer who shall ensure that:

(a)  The clinical director or delegated senior medical staff member of the relevant department is part of the appointments committee;

(b)  The Senior Medical Staff Committee (or equivalent body agreed with the Association) is invited to appoint at least one member of the appointments committee who shall be from the same or similar discipline to the position advertised; and

(c)  In appropriate circumstances, an independent external senior member from the relevant professional college or association may be invited to be part of the appointments committee.

52.3  Credentialling requirements should be included as part of the appointment process.

52.4  Fixed Term Appointments

An employee may be engaged for a fixed-term provided there are genuine reasons based on reasonable grounds for the particular fixed-term appointment. The employer shall advise the employee of those reasons at the time of the appointment and record them in the letter of appointment or job description.